
Write a java program using jgrasp
Write a java program using jgrasp

Use the printPlaylist method to write out the data for all Song objects in your ArrayList to a separate text file in a neatly arranged format.Create at least 5 Song objects, all with valid data.Ask the user if they would like to save the playlist.If so, call the editPlaylist method and print the returned ArrayList. Ask the user if they would like to edit your playlist.Make sure to print it out in a readable format - in other words, don't just use "(playlist) " (see below for Example Output). Call the createPlaylist method, then print the returned ArrayList.Confirm to the user that the file was successfully saved, and print the filename or filepath. In the file, record the date that the playlist was saved, then write the ArrayList information to the file in a readable format - in other words, don't just use "(playlist) ". This playlist will have two parameters: the ArrayList and an indicator for whether the user would like to append to or overwrite a file. This makes for a better, more useful program, but it is not required for this assignment. Note: I recommend you use a loop here so that the user can add/remove as many songs as they like.If they change their mind and do not want to add/remove a song, don't change anything.If they choose to remove a song, print out the ArrayList in a readable format - in other words, don't just use "(playlist) " (see below for Example Output).Create a Song object and add it to the ArrayList. If they choose to add a song, ask them for the song information.In this method, ask the user if they would like to add or remove a song to the playlist, or if they change their mind and don't want to add/remove any songs. An ArrayList of Song objects will be passed to this method. Create an ArrayList of at least 5 songs of your choice. Create a method called createPlaylist.Note: Your toString should print minutes and seconds together (see possible examples below in the Expected Output section).

write a java program using jgrasp

  • Uses Song objects to represent songs in the playlist, with the following instance variables:.
  • Uses an ArrayList to model a music playlist.
  • Using jGRASP, write a Java program named LastnameFirstname14.java, using your last name and your first name, that does the following:.
  • write a java program using jgrasp write a java program using jgrasp

    Create a program that will model a music playlist by using an ArrayList that holds Song objects.

    Write a java program using jgrasp