Probe - Explore pixel values in image one point at a time.Reset View - Reset the image to its original state before any transforms have been applied.DICOM Tag Browser - Displays top-level DICOM tags.Stack Image Sync - Synchronize image scrolling in all spatially related viewports.Grid Layout - Changes the viewport layout.

#Wedo 1.0 release date download
Image Capture - Download a high quality image capture using common image formats (png, jpg).Reference Lines - Shows lines in spatially related viewports to represent the planar position in the active viewport.Cobb Angle - Measures the angle between two line segments that don't intersect on the screen.Crosshairs - Interactively drives all orthoganal views to correlate with the current cursor position.Rectangle - Report image statistics within a rectangular region.Ellipse - Report image statistics within an elliptical region.Stack Scroll - Linked scrolling of spatially related series.Cine - Play through image frames like a movie.

Pan - Click and drag the cursor on an image to adjust the image position.Zoom - Click and drag the cursor on an image to adjust the magnification.Window/Level - Manipulate the window level and window width of a rendered image.Length - Measure a length in any linear direction by clicking and dragging.Flip Horizontally - Flip an image 180 degrees horizontally.Rotate Right - Rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise.Invert - Inverts the color scale of the current image.Angle - Measures an adjustable angle on an image.Version 1.0 is the Alpha release of FlexView which is a subscription-based Viewer-as-a-Service and offered to a limited number of customers.